Friday Morning
67. Your Memoirs—Your Written Legacy
The object of this course is to get your family/personal stories on paper. Studies have shown that most family stories fade beyond two generations. Our lives are filled with funny, poignant, sad, spiritual, and meaningful stories. You have stories only you can write. Most of us have wished we could ask about our families, but there's no one left to ask. Leave that written legacy for others and save them that frustration. They will thank you for it. There is no instruction, but we will discuss stories and the process of writing—don’t worry, it's painless. Each member should expect to write one story each week and read it to the class. Listening to the stories of others frequently sparks memories of our own, which we can add to our list of stories to write. At the end of the semester, we will produce a class book to which I encourage you to contribute your stories. Need more info? Email the instructor at gayle-opie@austin.rr.com or call 512-704-6558 and leave a message, including name, phone number, and question. Limit 12.
Gayle Opie, Facilitator
9:45 A.M.—12:15 P.M. Friday, Starts Feb. 21
The Church at Highland Park, Burchette Room
5206 Balcones Drive (78731)
68. Advanced Quilting—Medallion Quilts
This class will allow students to create a unique quilt without a pattern. We will take a center block of the student’s choice and will add to it by creating borders for it each week. The borders will be different each round and will create a quilt as big or small as the student desires. Join us in doing the math to make it all happen! Limit 16.
Susan Tennison
10:00—Noon Friday, Starts Feb. 21
Christ Lutheran Church
300 E. Monroe Street (78704)
69. Entomology—Get to Know the Insects
Join us for an intimate look at the minute creatures that rule the world. Of all the animal species on our planet, four out of five are insects! They are a major component of terrestrial ecosystems, including important pollinators, pests and recyclers, and are some of the most fascinating beings on Earth. We will explore this delightful fauna through colorful slideshow presentations, focusing on basic identification, behaviors, lifestyles, and associations. One session will be a field trip, and we sometimes go outside to explore the area around our meeting place. Limit 20.
Valerie Bugh
10:00—Noon Friday, Starts Feb. 21
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, Rm. 205
3525 Bee Cave Road (78746)
70. Folk Guitar For Beginners
Research has shown that there's nothing more effective for keeping aging brains alert and active than making music with other people. So why not learn to play acoustic guitar with like-minded folks? Students will learn basic guitar techniques, including tuning the guitar, chords to accompany songs, basic strum patterns, bass runs (individual notes played between chords) and playing scales. You’ll use these techniques to play and sing songs. Reading music is NOT TAUGHT in this course. A tablature notation will be introduced to show how the songs are played. An instruction book is available on this website: http://www.voith-usa.com/Guitar/index.html. The website also has audio to help you learn. The book has a pdf file for each chapter. You can print them yourself, or printed copies are available for $20. Each student must provide his/her own guitar. If you need help selecting a guitar, email instructor ahead of time at ray.voith@gmail.com or read these notes: http://www.voith-usa.com/Guitar/Other/buyGuitar.pdf. The instructor has 30+ years’ experience teaching guitar. Limit 15.
Ray Voith
10:00—Noon Friday, Starts Feb. 21
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Choir Room
8134 Mesa Drive (78759)