Monday Afternoon
10. Genealogy—Family Trees and More!
This course is full of tips and techniques for U.S.-based genealogy research. We will cover how to create a research plan, to build a tree using Ancestry (plus Newspapers.com, FindAGrave, Fold3) and to use FamilySearch, Wikitree, and ChatGPT. We will find birth, marriage, death, and burial records, passenger lists and passports, censuses, directories, and historic and current maps, legal records (wills, and probates) and/or military records, and more. We’ll also discuss how to scan and edit photos and screen capture and edit images. Using Google Drive (and other Cloud-based repositories), research on social media (Facebook) and other research sites (Library of Congress, state resources, etc.), you will be able to build a family story (and cite your sources). Handouts are provided. Laptops can be used if desired, but are not required. Limit 24. 6 Classes.
Phyllis Zumwalt
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Rm. B-13
8134 Mesa Drive (78759)
11. Satan and the Idea of Evil in Literature
Since antiquity, writers have attempted to understand and define the idea of evil by giving it a voice. Using the perspective of the Devil, some of the world’s greatest creative thinkers have sought to challenge the intellectual resolve and rigor of the faiths while encouraging their characters and audiences to question the strength and doctrine of their own beliefs. As a result, through temptation narratives, morality dramas, cultural satires, and Faustian bargains, exploration of “the Adversary” have yielded some of the most compelling stories and characters ever imagined. The class should be engaging for a wide range of participants interested in literature (and the devil!) as well as a good bit of poetry. Limit 15.
Cynthia Lee
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
The Church at Highland Park, Burchette Room
5206 Balcones Drive (78731)
12. Italian for Beginners
This course is for students with very little or no knowledge of the Italian language. You will learn the alphabet, greetings used in Italy, how to introduce yourself and others, and basic, everyday words including useful travel phrases. Grammar will also be taught. A book is required, title to be announced at the first class. Please bring $2 for handouts. Grazie e arrivederci! Limit 15.
Tina Polo
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
Triumphant Love Lutheran Church, Upper Room
9508 Great Hills Trail (78759)
13. Basic Watercolor Painting
This course provides watercolor painting instruction for beginners. You will need to purchase your brushes, watercolor paints, and watercolor paper. No prior painting experience is necessary, but any kind of drawing experience will be helpful. The main focus, though, will be simply to remove any fear or inhibitions to creativity. Limit 20.
Cherry Taylor
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
United Christian Church
3500 W. Parmer Lane (78727)
14. From PCs to Phones and More—Simple Advice for Beginners
This class will cover basic concepts and practical applications for any of your devices—laptop, PC or Apple, Android or iPhone, or tablets. You’ll learn how to make the most of your electronic device, simplifying everyday tasks. The cloud, smart phone basics, passwords, backups, upgrades, security, and sharing data between devices will be topics. In addition, a short student survey will guide the selection of other topics. The instructor uses real-life examples and makes the complex simple. Limit 20.
Linda Gibson
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
Violet Crown City Church
1300 Morrow Street (78757)
15. What to Know Before You Go—Useful End-of-Life Info
If end-of-life topics make you a bit uncomfortable, this class will help you think about and discuss your final wishes with understanding and ease. You’ll receive useful information about topics such as funeral home prices; prepaid funeral contracts; hospice care, organ, tissue and whole-body donation; eco-friendly natural burial; end-of-life doulas; and more. You’ll understand—and be encouraged to update or complete—documents specifying what kinds of medical treatment you would or would not want, should you be unable to speak for yourself. You’ll also be given opportunities to engage in relaxed, small-group discussions to help you identify your own end-of-life values and priorities. Throughout our time together, you’ll be learning from subject matter experts with empowering knowledge to share and nothing to sell. For maximum benefit, you’ll be asked to complete relevant assignments between most class sessions. Please bring $10 for plentiful handouts to our first meeting. Limit 16. Note: One-week delayed start; course extends one week.
Alex Casas-Chieng and Nancy Walker,
Funeral Consumers Alliance of Central Texas
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 24
Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center
808 Nile Street (78702)