Monday Morning
1. Hiking the Austin Area
Enjoy some easy trails in and around Austin (several may not be within the city limits). Everyone will need a car or other transportation. Participants should be able to walk several miles at a medium steady pace. Wear shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather. Bring water. A list of 8 hikes, leaders and more information will be provided before the first meeting. Limit 25.
Wendy Otsuka and Astrid Kaufman, Coordinators
9:30—11:30 A.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
For first class on February 17, meet at Zilker Hike & Bike Trail
(Park in 1st parking lot by playground)
2105 Andrew Zilker Rd, Austin TX 78746
Google GPS Coordinates: 30.264879, -97.768823
2. Everyone Has a Story—Write Yours Now
The object of this course is to get your family/personal stories on paper. Studies have shown that most family stories fade beyond two generations. Our lives are filled with funny, poignant, sad, spiritual, and meaningful stories. You have stories only you can write. Most of us have wished we could ask about our families, but there's no one left to ask. Leave that written legacy for others and save them that frustration. They will thank you for it. There is no instruction, but we will discuss stories and the process of writing—don’t worry, it's painless. Each member should expect to write one story each week and read it to the class. Listening to the stories of others frequently sparks memories of our own, which we can add to our list of stories to write. At the end of the semester, we will produce a class book to which I encourage you to contribute your stories.
Need more info? Email gayle-opie@austin.rr.com or call 512-704-6558 and leave a message with your name and phone number. Limit 12.
Gayle Opie, Facilitator
9:45 A.M.—12:15 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 17
Unity Church of Austin
5501 W. US Hwy 290 (78735)
3. Genealogy—Researching Records in the British Isles (1800-Onward)
We review how to create a research plan and log results as we explore ancestors across the pond (in England, Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland). We will use FindMyPast, Irishgenealogy.ie, ScotlandsPeople, and many other local sources as well as lightly using Ancestry (world access) and FamilySearch. We will find birth, marriage, death, and burial records, passenger lists and passports, address or location searches (using census records, directories, and historic maps), and military records. We’ll also review basic paleography techniques (reading wills and land records) and find ancestors’ interests and occupations using guild records and newspapers. Limit 24. 6 classes.
Phyllis Zumwalt
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts Feb. 17
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Rm. B-13
8134 Mesa Drive (78759)
4. Play Better Bridge
In this intermediate course for people who have played before and want to improve their bidding and play-of-the-hand, you will learn to play better bridge. This is a learn-by-doing class. You will play a lot of practice hands, each focused on some features of the "Standard American" system as taught in ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) classes and used by most players today. The content will be tailored to the skill level of the students attending. Limit 20.
Jack Graham
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts Feb. 17
The Church at Highland Park, Burchette Room
5206 Balcones Drive (78731)
5. Civil Rights in Texas: History and Important Themes
This course presents a general overview of important aspects of the civil rights history and struggle in Texas, including good and bad, of which many people are not aware. It also lays out salient themes that have arisen or re-arisen during the last few decades and currently. The eight class sessions focus on:
overview of the push for civil rights in the Mexican American and African American communities,
farm worker organizing,
police oppression,
privacy rights,
immigration and violence against women,
poor people and access to the courts,
disability rights, and
free speech and assembly.
There is no textbook, but a robust bibliography will be available to supplement class discussions. For each class, students will be expected to do some readings, all of which are available on the internet. Discussion and critical thinking are valued. No written papers. Our instructor has dedicated his professional life to civil rights. He is the retired founder of the Texas Civil Rights Project, past Director of the South Texas Project in the Rio Grande Valley, and former Legal Director of the Texas Civil Liberties Union. A leading civil rights attorney nationally and past university and law school professor, he served as César Chávez’ Texas attorney for 18 years. Limit 50.
Jim Harrington
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts Feb. 17
The Village at the Triangle
4517 Triangle Avenue (78751)
6. Spanish Upper Level Conversation/Book Club
This course is conducted entirely in Spanish and is designed for persons with proficiency in the language. The first hour includes student presentations, followed by discussions to include questions and answers about grammar, vocabulary, and the presentations. The second hour of class is dedicated to small group discussions of the reading for the week. This course is integrated with an ongoing year-long Spanish program. This semester the class will read El Problema Final by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. Both hardcopy and Kindle editions of the book are available on Amazon.com. Limit 30.
Rosa Zúñiga
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts February 17
Triumphant Love Lutheran Church, Upper Room
9508 Great Hills Trail (78759)
7. Beginning Zentangle® Drawing
The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns one pen stroke at a time. No drawing skills are required. This class will take a craft-oriented approach, working on a different project during each class. Although this class is specifically organized for a student new to Zentangle®, experienced students are also welcome. The instructor is a Certified Zentangle® Teacher. Please bring supply fee of $20 to the first class. Contact the instructor for more information at pat@tittizer.us. Limit 15. Note: No meeting on March 10; course extends one week.
Pat Tittizer
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts Feb. 17
United Christian Church
3500 West Parmer Lane (78727)
8. Intermediate-Level Advice About Your Electronic Devices
This class takes off from basics to cover more in-depth knowledge about phones, tablets and PCs. It is recommended for students who have completed From PCs to Phones and More—Simple Advice About Your Electronic Devices or those who use technology daily. Is artificial intelligence, smart fitness trackers, organizing your desktop, or when to buy new devices on your mind? We can discuss these and other advanced topics identified by a short student survey.
The instructor uses real-life examples to illustrate tech problems and solutions. Limit 15.
Linda Gibson
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts Feb. 17
Violet Crown City Church
1300 Morrow Street (78757)
9. TED Talks Discussion Group
If you enjoy learning and discussing new ideas and hearing a variety of viewpoints, this class is for you. TED talks are concise (under 18 minutes) video talks from top people in their field that are meant to inspire, inform and enlighten viewers on a variety of topics, including science, politics, global issues, human development, and relationships, among others. You will view two to four TED talks per week OUTSIDE of class (web access/internet connection required). Then we will discuss them in class, learning from and being respectful of each other’s varying responses and ideas. For specific questions, please email the facilitator at maryjaneburson@gmail.com. Limit 15. Note: One-week delayed start. 7 classes.
Mary Jane Burson, Moderator
10:00—Noon Monday, Starts Feb. 24
Tarrytown United Methodist Church Administration Building
2531 Exposition Boulevard (78703)