The Austin area is a great place to bird. We will have four classroom sessions and four field trips in the immediate Austin area. Classroom sessions will introduce students to the birds that live in Central Texas year-around as well as those that pass through during the spring migration and those that summer here. Other topics will include equipment, bird identification tips, how to attract birds to your yard and places to bird in the Austin area. Although the class is geared toward the beginning birder, all skill levels are welcome. The classroom sessions will be from 10:00—Noon on Thursdays; field trips will be 8:00—10:00 A.M. Participants can expect to walk up to a mile and a half on mainly level surfaces that may not be paved. Our very popular instructor has been birding for more than 40 years and is a Master Birder and Master Naturalist. Limit 20.
Chris Gunter
10:00—Noon Thursday, Starts Feb. 20
Triumphant Love Lutheran Church, Upper Room
9508 Great Hills Trail (78759)