One form of the arts few older adults have tried is writing for film. But you have plenty of stories, experiences, perspectives to share. This is your chance to learn another creative outlet, guided by an experienced film maker and instructor. The first class focuses on The Power of Story, a montage of clips from films that work because of the narrative. We also discuss the expectations and process of writing during class meetings. We consider what types of stories and scenes work best on the big or little screen, versus fiction, graphic novels or audio telling. Each subsequent class meeting will focus on the “writing point of the day”—in-class writing exercises, followed by small group sharing and peer review (after learning how to critique meaningfully and helpfully). The culminating homework assignment is to write two short scripts for films of 3-8 minutes. At the end of the course, you’ll have the option of having one of your scripts produced by the instructor at his studio in Austin Public Studios of the Austin Film Society. And you’ll receive a copy of the resulting film. Our instructor is the founder of Mister Mama Bear Studios, screenwriter, director, and art director, as well as an experienced instructor and curriculum developer. You should bring a laptop computer to every class if available, but a journal to write in will suffice. Limit 18.
Sxott Rawgers
1:00—3:00 P.M. Wednesday, Starts Feb. 19
Westover Hills Church of Christ, Rm. 201
8332 Mesa Drive (78759)