Tuesday Afternoon
28. Bellyrobics
Get a fun and energizing workout that combines the principles of aerobic exercise with basic belly dance moves. This is a great overall workout that pays special attention to strengthening the core and raising your heart rate. It’s all set to American dance music that will make you move while introducing you to belly dance music. No prerequisite of belly dance experience is required. There is a 10-minute warmup and 5-minute cool down. Wear loose fitting/stretchable clothes and soft-soled shoes. Come ready to move! Limit 20.
Jeanette Cunningham
12:00—1:00 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
Northwest Recreation Center, Fitness Room
2913 Northland Drive (78757)
29. Europe in the Reformation Period 1500-1700
In this course we will study the history of Europe during the Reformation period. Topics include the background to and the cause of the Reformation, Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin, the English Reformation, the Catholic Reformation, and the Anabaptists. Also to be examined are the growth of national states, especially in England, France, and Spain; the growth of trade and industry; social changes; new philosophical ideas; the scientific revolution; religious wars in France, Germany, and England; and magic and witchcraft. Class outlines will be sent before each class to the e-mail address you provide at the time of registration. Limit 30.
John Dahmus
1:00—3:00 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Rm. 205
3525 Bee Cave Road (78746)
30. Practical Psychology for the Second Half of Life
Drawing on your own experience and education, this course will explore tools that help navigate the second half of life. It begins with a developmental theory that addresses lifelong yearnings and areas of central concern, along with early family experience and intergenerational legacies. Then we study psychological types (useful for navigating relationships), problem-solving, and personal change. We look at temperaments, learning styles, and archetypes of the masculine and feminine. Next, we examine practical approaches to dream work, daily positive focus, and enhanced couple communication. We review our psychological “heritage” of optimal experiences and relationships, which can provide a customized guide-map for life-planning. Finally, we examine how we can become intentional in what we wish to give to the next generation. Limit 20.
Richard (Nick) Grant
1:00—3:00 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
The Church at Highland Park, Burchette Room
5206 Balcones Drive (78731)
31. Intermediate Knitting and Crocheting
Students with some experience knitting or crocheting can continue at their own pace. Bring practice yarn and needles or hook to the first class. The instructor, an accomplished artist, has taught knitting and crocheting for more than 30 years. Call the instructor at 512-364-3147 or email pat@tittizer.us with questions. Limit 18.
Pat Tittizer
1:00—3:00 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
United Christian Church
3500 W. Parmer Lane (78727)
32. Movies—Saucy Stories 2
Pre-code Hollywood refers to a brief period in American film history between the beginning of sound in 1929 to the enforcement of the Hays Code in mid-1934. The Hays Code aimed to clean up stories that some considered so racy or disturbing that audiences could be corrupted. Among films featured this semester are those with Joan Crawford and William Powell. All are from my personal collection; none previously shown in a class. Your correct email address is important, as students receive e-mails at least once a week with film background and other film-related news. Limit 35.
Betsy Tyson
1:00—3:00 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rm. 10
3208 Exposition Boulevard (78703)
33. Fundamentals of Investing
The investment world is full of lingo, jargon, and terminology. It can be difficult to understand with so many buzzwords, charts, and graphs. This course goes over the basic terminology and strategy around investment and retirement planning. Whether you are just starting out or want to learn something new, the workshop will bring you back to the basics so you can become a more educated investor.
You'll learn:
Key features and strategy of bonds, stocks and mutual funds
Cash-flow planning in retirement
Basics of Medicare
Basics of estate planning
Our instructor is a registered CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and a popular presenter. Limit 20. 7 Classes.
Chris Cybulski
1:30—2:30 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
Lamar Senior Activity Center
2874 Shoal Crest Avenue (78705)
34. Conversational French
Join us to practice speaking in French about current events, culture, short stories, grammar, and/or movie excerpts shared in class. The course is designed for those with some proficiency in the language, but enthusiastic intermediate students are welcome, too. Limit 15.
Mireille Seewann
1:30—3:30 P.M. Tuesday, Starts Feb. 18
Westover Hills Church of Christ, Room 201
8332 Mesa Drive (78759)